

职 位 :销售部经理
手 机 :13807460896   15774113610
传 真 :86-0746-8223174
地 址 :中国湖南省永州市冷水滩区凤凰园9613号
邮政编码: 425001
QQ: 1610060962
公司邮箱: hnyuejin@126.com
Contact Us
Hunnan Bingqi Yuejin Machine-Electrical Co., Ltd.
PengYu(sales manager)
Tel:86-0746-8223174  13807460896
Add:No9613,Fenghuang yuan District,Yongzhou City,Hunan Province China
E-mail Address:hnyuejin@126.com

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单位地势河南省永州市主市区区,湘桂高速路国道、洛湛高速路国道交通线看到市内,泉南高速路国道G72 穿城过着相连京珠飞速国道G4,二广髙速国道G55纵贯市东郊可达西安,交通运输快速。

总部现有研发的最主要的商品和业务范围有:1YPEYHPEYZPEY国产三相四线制盘式制动踏板异步电动式机:26B、4B系类盘式箱式变压器助力泵;3设备配套中车集团公司简介4B品类电量的使用轨道车变电器高压油泵;4HXD1C、HXD1D、 HXD1、HXD1B品类电力工程摩托汽油泵检查:5CFZ类型低噪音轴流式风机源配电变压器轴流式风机和DBF全系列低噪音风机源低压变压器叶轮。

Company Profile

In order to cooperate with the IPO of military products of Hunan Ordnance Group.Hunan weapons Yuejin electromechanical Co., Co., Ltd. has carried♌ out the restructuring of "military-civilian separation”,The new Hunan Yueyu electromechanical Co.. Ltd.was incorporated on January 3,2020. Yueyu Mech-Electro Co., Ltd. is currently affliated with Hunan Xintiandi Investment Holding Group Co..Lid.. a subsidiary of Hunan XiangKe Holding Group Co., which is managed by Hunan SASAC.It is a wholly state-owned enterprise with independent legal personality, specializing in the manufacturing of three-phase dise brake asynchronous motor, dise transformer oil pump and low-noise ܫtransformer fan.

At present, the company covers an area of 23,520 square meters, with net asse꧋ts of more than 33 million Yuan(RMB). The company has strong Technical Development Force and high-quality staff and sales team, There are advanced production and processing testing equipment, complete testing and testing means, and a strict quality control system to ensure product quality, The quality control is realized in the whole process from machining. welding, die casting, surface treatment, vacuum dipping, painting. heat treatment, assembly to motor and oil pump. Over the past 30 years, he has won many awards and certificates from the State and Hunan Province. Passed the iso 9001 quality system authentication smoothly in 2020: In 2010. the oil pump of Electric Locomotive Passed CRCC Certification; in 2020, the dise motor passed CoC certification.

G72 of Quanzhou-Nanning Expressway passes through the city and connects G4 of Be🌸ijing-Zhuhai expressway. G55 of Erenhot-Guangzhou expressway runs through the eastern suburb of the city and directly reachᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚes Guangzhou, with convenient transportation.

The company currently produces the following products and s💖ervices 🐬

(1) YPE, YHPEꦍ.YZPEY serಞies three-phase dise brake asynchronous motors;(2) 6B.4B series disc type transformer oil pump;

(3) Supporting 4B series electric locomotive transformer oil pump used by CRRC;(4) HXDIC.HXDID,HXD1.HXDIB series electrie locomotive ♏oil pump overhaul:(5) CFZ series low noise transformer fan and DBF series low noise transformer fan.

💮 The company has followed the market closely, inereased investment in scientific research and development, and achieved remarkable results, At present, Korean locomotive pump and CRRC high-power locomotive have been newly d🐼eveloped to replace the imported axial flow pipeline oil pump




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